How Music Helps You Relief Your Stress!

We all are familiar with music and you won’t find anyone around you who doesn’t like it but the taste or liking of music might vary from person to person but it doesn’t change the fact that music is liked by everyone. Music has become a part of our life as it helps us to express and feel our emotions deeply.

many of us wished, why there isn’t any background music in real life just like the drama we watch on TV shows cause music makes everything more meaningful and dramatic right?

Just like seeing a musical movie makes it feel more and more beautiful.



Well we can’t change the reality but here’s how we can use music to stress relief
Suppose you had a rough day at work with loads and loads of work and finally you reach home and what you need right now is some peaceful music maybe reminiscing about the old time and feeling good about it. Not a bad idea is it?
Just listening to music for a little while can make people feel very relaxed and stress-free which often adults forget. So why not listen to Michael Murphy’s “Maybe this time” classic music while you can?
Many parents don’t approve of listening to music while studying but research says that music helps a student with memorization and put them in a good mood, even some students find it easy to do math while listening to soft music. It also helps students to reduce stress and anxiety.



We already know that sad songs tend to make us feel sad, while happy and lively songs tend to make us feel happy. Aggressive music can even make us feel mad so basically music influences our mood just like watching a happy movie scene makes us all excited and happy, music also works that way. So people who are feeling lonely, sad, and depressed can always uplift their mood through lively music. So why not simply listen to the song Happy by Pharrell Williams which will put your mood in a better state?
Everyone goes through heartbreak at some point in their life. And feel very much lonely and stressed out. Regardless during those times people like to listen to sad music and it’s not wrong instead it helps to ease the pain and feel much better later on and if you feel the need to change, you may listen to happy music which will allow you to feel better and happier about yourself.



Music can be played while doing daily activities for example while you are cooking. Most people like to hear music and sing along to it while cooking and it’s quite enjoyable. Listening to music while cooking makes the work easier and uplifting rather than finding cooking tiresome and hard work. Researchers also say that listening to music while cooking helps release stress hormones and fatigue in the mind and body. Well, I don’t know about other people but this is me every day while cooking.



So take your time and put a playlist for yourself with your favourite songs and listen to them, you may soon notice that you will feel more stress-free and feel better about yourself.

Written by:
Bidu Khan